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Driver's license

A thorough explanation of the types of motorcycle licenses! Detailed explanation of acquisition method and acquisition procedure

Some people may say, ``I want to ride a motorcycle, but I'm not sure which license to get.'' There are seven types of motorcycle licenses in total, and the size of the motorcycle you can ride will depend on which one you obtain.

If you have decided on the type of bike you want to ride, you will need to obtain the appropriate license. In this article, we will explain the types and characteristics of motorcycle licenses. We will also explain how to obtain a motorcycle license and the cost, so if you are aiming to obtain a motorcycle license, please read on.

Types and characteristics of motorcycle licenses

There are a total of seven types of motorcycle licenses (as of January 2023), including a moped license and a small-sized Regular Motorcycle license. Depending on the type of motorcycle license, you may be able to ride with two people or drive on the highway. Understand the types and characteristics of licenses and aim to obtain the motorcycle license that is suitable for you.

Type of license displacement Target age legal speed 2 seater highway driving
Moped license 50cc or less 16+ General road: 30km/h Not possible Not possible
Small-size limited Regular Motorcycle license 125cc or less 16+ General road: 60km/h Possible Possible
AT small limited Regular Motorcycle license 125cc or less 16+ General road: 60km/h Possible Possible
Ordinary motorcycle license 400cc or less 16+
  • General road: 60km/h
  • Highway: 100km/h
*Conditions apply
*Conditions apply
AT limited Regular Motorcycle license 400cc or less 16+
  • General road: 60km/h
  • Highway: 100km/h
Possible Not possible
Large motorcycle license No limit 18+
  • General road: 60km/h
  • Highway: 100km/h
Possible Possible
AT limited Heavy Motorcycle license No limit 18+
  • General road: 60km/h
  • Highway: 100km/h
Possible Possible

Moped license

A moped license is a license that allows you to drive a motorcycle with a displacement of 50cc or less. The official name is motorized bicycle license. The conditions for obtaining a moped license are as follows.

  • Age: 16 years or older
  • Visual acuity: 0.5 or more in both eyes
  • Color discrimination: ability to distinguish red, blue, and yellow
  • Hearing: None

If you want to obtain a moped license alone, you only need to take a written test, and you do not need a provisional driver's license skill test or Final Driving Test (on-road skills) like a regular license. If you already have a regular license, there is no need to obtain a new license.

A moped license does not allow you to ride with two people or drive on expressways, so it is recommended for people who want to use it as a daily means of transportation, such as commuting to work or school.

Small-size limited Regular Motorcycle license

A small limited Regular Motorcycle license is a license that allows you to drive a motorcycle with a displacement of 51cc or more and 125cc or less. The conditions for obtaining a small limited Regular Motorcycle license are as follows.

  • Age: 16 years or older
  • Visual acuity: 0.3 or higher in one eye, 0.7 or higher in both eyes
  • Color discrimination: ability to distinguish red, blue, and yellow
  • Hearing: Ability to hear a 90 decibel horn at a distance of 10 meters

Vision and hearing can be maintained even with the use of corrective devices such as contact lenses and hearing aids.

If you have a small limited Regular Motorcycle license, you can ride two people on public roads. However, in order to ride with two people, at least one year must have passed since you obtained your license.

The small-sized Regular Motorcycle license is recommended for people who want to use it as a daily means of transportation or who want to enjoy tandem touring.

AT small limited Regular Motorcycle license

The AT small-sized Regular Motorcycle license is a license that allows you to drive an AT-only motorcycle with a displacement of 125cc or less. If it's an AT-only bike, you can even ride two people on regular roads.

The conditions for obtaining a license are the same as for a small limited Regular Motorcycle license.

  • Age: 16 years or older
  • Visual acuity: 0.3 or higher in one eye, 0.7 or higher in both eyes
  • Color discrimination: ability to distinguish red, blue, and yellow
  • Hearing: Ability to hear a 90 decibel horn at a distance of 10 meters

You can also remove the AT restriction or obtain a regular motorcycle license using one of the following methods.

  • Take an examination at a driver's license examination center
  • After receiving training and examination at a designated driving school, proceed to the driving license examination center.

If you remove the AT restriction, you will be able to drive both AT and manual vehicles. Recommended for those who aim to obtain a regular motorcycle license and want to get used to driving a motorcycle with an AT small-sized Regular Motorcycle license first.

Ordinary motorcycle license

A regular motorcycle license is a license that allows you to drive a motorcycle of 400cc or less. The conditions for obtaining a regular motorcycle license are as follows.

  • Age: 16 years or older
  • Visual acuity: 0.3 or higher in one eye, 0.7 or higher in both eyes
  • Color discrimination: ability to distinguish red, blue, and yellow
  • Hearing: Ability to hear a 90 decibel horn at a distance of 10 meters

On public roads, you can ride two people if you have had your license for at least one year. Furthermore, if the following conditions are met, it will be possible to carry two people on the highway.

  • Driver's age is 20 years or older
  • More than 3 years have passed since you obtained your license.
  • The bike must have a displacement of 126cc or more and a capacity for 2 or more people.

Also, if the engine displacement is 250cc or less, a vehicle inspection is not required. If you have a regular motorcycle license and want to keep running costs down, we recommend a motorcycle of 250cc or less.

AT limited Regular Motorcycle license

This license allows you to drive an AT-only motorcycle with a displacement of 400cc or less. The conditions for obtaining a license are the same as for a regular motorcycle license.

  • Age: 16 years or older
  • Visual acuity: 0.3 or higher in one eye, 0.7 or higher in both eyes
  • Color discrimination: ability to distinguish red, blue, and yellow
  • Hearing: Ability to hear a 90 decibel horn at a distance of 10 meters

If the driver meets certain conditions, such as being over 20 years old and having obtained a license for at least three years, it is possible to ride with two people on the expressway.

You can also cancel the AT restriction using one of the following methods.

  • Take an examination at a driver's license examination center
  • After receiving training and examination at a designated driving school, proceed to the driving license examination center.

In 2005, an AT-only license was added to Regular Motorcycle license. At that time, the number of AT-only models was limited, and most were scooter types. However, recently, various types of AT-only models have been developed.

Furthermore, the AT-limited Regular Motorcycle license requires less time for academic and Driving Lessons than a regular motorcycle license, so you can obtain your license quickly. For those who want to obtain an easy-to-operate motorcycle license as soon as possible and ride the motorcycle of their choice, we recommend an AT-only Regular Motorcycle license.

Large motorcycle license

A large motorcycle license has no restrictions on displacement and allows you to drive any type of motorcycle. The conditions for obtaining a large motorcycle license are as follows.

  • Age: 18 years or older
  • Visual acuity: 0.3 or higher in one eye, 0.7 or higher in both eyes
  • Color discrimination: ability to distinguish red, blue, and yellow
  • Hearing: Ability to hear a 90 decibel horn at a distance of 10 meters

On public roads, two-seater vehicles are allowed if at least one year has passed since the license was obtained. Also, if the following conditions are met, two people can ride on the expressway.

  • Driver's age is 20 years or older
  • More than 3 years have passed since you obtained your license.
  • The bike must have a displacement of 126cc or more and a capacity for 2 or more people.

Large bikes have powerful engines that give them excellent acceleration. You can accelerate without stress, giving you an excellent sense of stability on the highway. The rear seat is also wider than that of a medium-sized bike, making it possible to carry large items.

Motorcycles that can be ridden with a large motorcycle license are recommended for people who want to enjoy long-distance touring, as they are less tiring even when driven for long periods of time.

AT limited Heavy Motorcycle license

This license allows you to drive all automatic transmission-only motorcycles without any restrictions on engine displacement. The conditions for obtaining the license are the same as for a large motorcycle license.

  • Age: 18 years or older
  • Visual acuity: 0.3 or higher in one eye, 0.7 or higher in both eyes
  • Color discrimination: ability to distinguish red, blue, and yellow
  • Hearing: Ability to hear a 90 decibel horn at a distance of 10 meters

If the driver meets certain conditions, such as being over 20 years old and having obtained a license for at least three years, it is possible to ride with two people on the expressway.

You can also cancel the AT restriction using one of the following methods.

  • Take an examination at a driver's license examination center
  • After receiving training and examination at a designated driving school, proceed to the driving license examination center.

In recent years, it seems that many people are opting out of the AT restriction because they want to ride big scooters or Harleys of 400cc or more. Recommended for those who want to get used to driving an AT-only motorcycle first, and then eventually aim to drive a manual motorcycle.

How to get a motorcycle license

There are multiple ways to obtain a motorcycle license. Each method has different characteristics, so choose the method that suits you best.

attend a driving school

The most standard way to obtain a motorcycle license is to attend a driving school. There are broadly three types of driving schools:

  • Designated driving school
  • Notified driving school
  • driving practice facility

Of the above, only designated driving schools are exempt from taking the skill test at the driver's license examination center. A designated driving school is a driving school designated by the Public Safety Commission. Graduates are exempt from the skill test because their training follows the curriculum stipulated by the Road Traffic Act.

After entering a designated driving school, you will receive academic and Driving Lessons, and if you pass Final Driving Test, you will be able to proceed to the main driving license exam. If you have a regular driver's license, you will be exempted from part of the academic training, so you can obtain your driver's license faster.

Use Driving Camp from a driving school

If you want to get your motorcycle license faster, it will be smoother if you use Driving Camp from a driving school. With Driving Camp, you can stay at a lodging facility for a certain period of time and receive intensive academic and Driving Lessons in preparation for obtaining your license.

[Commuting to driving school]

Features If you receive academic training and Driving Lessons and pass Final Driving Test, you will proceed to the main exemption examination.
  • If you are a designated driving school, you will be exempted from the skill test.
  • Easy to fit into your schedule
  • You can take your time to study
Estimated minimum number of days to obtain a license About 15 days

[Driving Camp]

Features Stay at a lodging facility for a certain period of time and receive intensive academic and Driving Lessons in preparation for obtaining a license.
  • Skill test is exempted
  • You can get your license faster than going to school.
  • Cheaper than commuting to school
Estimated minimum number of days to obtain a license About 8 days

If you attend a driving school, it will take approximately 15 days to obtain your license. On the other hand, in the case of Driving Camp, it is possible to obtain it in about 8 days. Since Driving Camp requires you to stay at a lodging facility for a certain period of time, you will need to adjust your schedule with work and study.

Get it by clearing the exam on the first try

In addition to attending a driving school or getting Driving Camp through a method called a "one-shot test."

For the one-shot test, you will need to take an aptitude test, a basic driving license exam, and a skill test at a driver's license exam center. If you have a regular driver's license, you are exempt from taking the aptitude test or the main license exam.

For the one-shot test, you must drive on the driving license test center course. Therefore, it is currently difficult for beginners to pass the exam on the first try.

The one-shot test is suitable for those who have a certain level of driving experience, such as those whose motorcycle license has expired or had their license revoked.

Steps to obtain a motorcycle license

The steps to obtain a motorcycle license vary depending on which method you choose. From here, we will explain the steps to obtain a motorcycle license, step by step.

If you go to a driving school

If you attend a designated driving school, you can obtain a motorcycle license by following the steps below.

  1. Enroll in a designated driving school
  2. Take a driving aptitude test
  3. Attend the first stage of academic and Driving Lessons
  4. Attend the second stage of academic and Driving Lessons
  5. take Final Driving Test
  6. receive a graduation certificate
  7. Go to the driving license exam center
  8. Take the main exemption course exam
  9. take an aptitude test
  10. receive a motorcycle license

The time for academic training and Driving Lessons differs depending on whether you have a regular license or higher and if you do not have a license or have a moped license.

Licensed or not? First stage second stage
If you have a regular license or higher
  • Academic training: None
  • Driving Lessons: 9 hours
  • Academic training: 1 hour
  • Driving Lessons: 8 hours
If you do not have a license or have a moped license
  • Academic training: 10 hours
  • Driving Lessons: 9 hours
  • Academic training: 16 hours
  • Driving Lessons: 10 hours

If you already have a regular license or higher, you will be exempt from taking the main driving license exam at the driving license exam center. In addition, because commuting and Driving Camp follow the same curriculum, there is no difference in the content or time of academic training and Driving Lessons.

When taking a one-shot test

If you take the one-shot test at a driver's license examination center, you can obtain a motorcycle license by following the steps below.

  1. Go to the driving license exam center
  2. Take the main exemption course exam
  3. take an aptitude test
  4. take a skill test
  5. Attend training at the time of acquisition
  6. Take first aid training
  7. receive a motorcycle license

If you already have a regular license or higher, you will be exempt from taking the main license exam. The big difference from attending a driving school is that you need to take a certification course and a first aid course after passing various tests.

If you take the one-shot test, there is no need for academic or Driving Lessons, so you can obtain your motorcycle license in as little as one day.

Costs required to obtain a motorcycle license

In order to obtain a motorcycle license, there are costs such as training fees and examination fees. The cost varies depending on the type of motorcycle license and how you obtained it.

If you go to a driving school

When commuting to a designated driving school, the cost varies depending on the type of motorcycle license.

Type of license If you have a regular license or higher If you do not have a license or have a moped license
Moped license Approximately 4,200 yen Approximately 4,200 yen
Small-size limited Regular Motorcycle license Approximately 70,000 yen to 80,000 yen Approximately 110,000 yen to 130,000 yen
AT limited small size limited Regular Motorcycle license Approximately 60,000 yen to 70,000 yen Approximately 100,000 yen to 120,000 yen
Ordinary motorcycle license Approximately 90,000 yen to 100,000 yen Approximately 130,000 yen to 170,000 yen
AT limited Regular Motorcycle license Approximately 80,000 yen to 90,000 yen Approximately 110,000 yen to 150,000 yen
Large motorcycle license Approximately 120,000 yen to 180,000 yen Approximately 230,000 yen to 250,000 yen
AT limited Heavy Motorcycle license Approximately 120,000 yen to 140,000 yen Approximately 190,000 yen to 200,000 yen

If you have a license higher than a regular license, you will be exempt from some academic training, so the cost will be lower than if you do not have a license or have a moped license.

However, the costs in the table are just a guideline and will vary depending on the designated driving school, so be sure to check in advance.

If you want to reduce the cost of obtaining a motorcycle license, one way is to use Driving Camp. The cost of Driving Camp includes accommodation and food expenses, but in most cases the cost is cheaper than attending a designated driving school. Please note that the cost of Driving Camp varies depending on the designated driving school, so please check in advance.

When taking a one-shot test

If you take the one-shot test at a driving license exam center, there is no training fee, so the cost is lower than commuting to a designated driving school or getting Driving Camp. The acquisition cost for the one-shot test is approximately 20,000 yen. The breakdown of each item is as follows.

Type of license cost price
Ordinary motorcycle license
  • Test fee: 1,750 yen
  • Issuance fee: 2,050 yen
  • Training fee upon acquisition: 12,000 yen
  • First aid training fee: 4,200 yen
Large motorcycle license
  • Test fee: 1,750 yen
  • Issuance fee: 2,050 yen
  • Training fee upon acquisition: 12,450 yen
  • First aid training fee: 4,200 yen

Fees and training fees may vary depending on the region, so please check in advance.

*Source: Japan Motorcycle Promotion and Safety Association “License acquisition information for those who are about to get their license”

Q&A about motorcycle licenses

Finally, we will introduce Q&A regarding motorcycle licenses.

What are the conditions to obtain it?

The conditions for obtaining a motorcycle license vary depending on the type.

Type of license age eyesight Color Identification hearing
Moped license 16+
  • 0.1 or more in one eye
  • Binocular 0.5 or more
Ability to distinguish between red, blue, and yellow none
Small-size limited Regular Motorcycle license
  • 0.3 or more in one eye
  • Binocular 0.7 or more
The sound of a 90 decibel horn can be heard at a distance of 10 meters.
AT limited small size limited Regular Motorcycle license
Ordinary motorcycle license
AT limited Regular Motorcycle license
Large motorcycle license 18+
AT limited Heavy Motorcycle license

If the visual acuity in one eye is less than 0.3 or you cannot see, there is no problem as long as the visual field in the other eye is at least 150 degrees left and right and the visual acuity is at least 0.7.

What procedures are required to drive a motorcycle?

All motorcycles are required to have automobile liability insurance, just like cars. Please note that if you drive a motorcycle without a license, you will be subject to imprisonment for up to one year or a fine of up to 500,000 yen. If you cause an accident, you may be required to pay a huge amount of compensation.

Additionally, if the motorcycle you purchased is new, you will need to register it at the Land Transport Bureau, and if it is a used motorcycle, you will need to go through the process of changing the name.

How can I reduce the cost of obtaining a license?

There are several ways to reduce the cost of obtaining a motorcycle license.

  • Obtain Driving Camp
  • Get it in one test

Driving Camp and one-shot test are cheaper than attending a designated driving school. There is no training fee required for the one-shot test, so it is possible to obtain a motorcycle license for around 20,000 to 20,450 yen.

Choose the type of motorcycle license that's right for you

There are a total of seven types of motorcycle licenses, including moped licenses and regular motorcycle licenses. Depending on the type of license you have, you will be able to drive different types of motorcycles and whether or not you can drive on highways, so it is important to choose one that suits your purpose.

Additionally, even if your motorcycle license is limited to AT, it is possible to have it removed from AT if you undergo an examination at a driver's license exam center or designated driving school. If you disable AT, the range of bikes you can drive will expand. If you are planning to cancel AT in the future, one option is to first obtain an AT-only license. AT-only licenses can be obtained faster than MT licenses and are cheaper to obtain.

The cost and period vary depending on the acquisition method, so organize the items you want to focus on and acquire the motorcycle license that is suitable for you.

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Driver's license

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