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Information on Driving Camp locations within 1 hour from Kanto
Super close ranking : Within 2 hours from Kanto
Ranking Kanto area
Newly built accommodation Driving school Popular in the Kanto area
Driving school rankings in the Kanto area
List of driving schools Recommended articles Cheap Driving Camp Q&A
Lowest price ranking in Kanto area
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Starting from Kanto and heading to the Tokyo metropolitan area,
Pick a driving school based on proximity!
Within 1 hour from Kanto
Recommended ranking
This is a driving school that can be reached within an hour from the metropolitan area. This is a secret training camp where you can forget the hustle and bustle of the city even for an hour.

Kanagawa Prefecture

Tochigi Prefecture
Within 2 hours from Kanto
Recommended ranking
If you are in the Kanto area, this is a driving school that you can easily reach within 2 hours. It might be a good idea to stretch your legs a little and experience something out of the ordinary!

Tochigi Prefecture

Nagano Prefecture

Shizuoka Prefecture
Kanto area
Newly built dormitory Driving school
PICK UP those built within 5 years!
Kanto area
Popular driving school rankings
Carefully selected by Do-Live staff! Announcing the ranking of popular training camps in the Kanto region!

Tochigi Prefecture

Kanagawa Prefecture
List of driving schools in the Kanto area
Recommended articles

Driving school flow | From admission to Final Driving Test, stumbling blocks and strategies for written exams

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A must-see for students! 4 factors to go to license training camp at the cheapest price

Essential conditions and 6 techniques to grab a date with Driving Camp

Driving school affiliated loans are safe! We explain the advantageous and simple mechanism in more detail than anywhere else!

Don't be fooled by "Driving Camp are cheap"! 5 ways to reduce training camp fees
Cheap Driving Camp Q&A
Are there any training camps that are easy to get to from within the Kanto area?
Recommended for those who are wondering where to go for a license training camp. For those living in the Kanto area, there are many recommended training camps within an hour's travel distance. Please check it out.
How many driving schools are there in the Kanto area that you can introduce?
In the Kanto area, there are approximately 20 driving schools that can be introduced in 6 prefectures (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba, Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Gunma). We can also introduce many other schools in Shizuoka, Niigata, and Yamagata that are easily accessible from the Kanto area.
Are there any cheap training camps in the Kanto area?
Compared to a commuting license, Driving Camp is attractive because it is cheaper, but training camp driving schools in the Kanto area are also recommended for their low prices.
Are training camps in the Kanto area crowded?
Training camps in the Kanto area are especially popular. Especially since it is easily accessible from the Tokyo metropolitan area, there are many dates that are fully booked. Early application is required.
What criteria does the Kanto Recommended Ranking use?
This ranking was carefully selected by the staff of our Do-Live License Center. It is judged not only based on the number of nominations from customers, but also from the perspective of a professional driving school consultant. In other words, it shows the degree to which the school meets the needs of users at that time, and does not show the absolute or definitive superiority or inferiority of the driving school.