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It has a lot of useful information about driving licenses and Driving Camp.

Driving Camp

We explain in more detail than anywhere else the three points to ensure you graduate from Driving Camp in the shortest possible time!

The biggest feature and advantage of Driving Camp is that you can obtain a license much faster than commuting to school. However, not everyone is able to graduate in the shortest time or pass the exam straight. In fact, 80% of students complete the exam in the shortest possible time and graduate on the first try. So, where do the remaining 20% have trouble? Also, as a frequently asked question, what can I do if I have a plan starting two days after my scheduled graduation date, or if I can't change my plan? Here, we will focus on the "shortest time" and explain in more detail than anywhere else the three important points to keep in mind when choosing a training camp driving school and to graduate in the shortest possible time. If you read this, you will have a deep understanding of the meaning of the shortest Driving Camp, and it will not only help you get closer to passing the exam straight after entering the school, but also explain what to do in the unlikely event that your graduation period is delayed due to an extended stay, etc.

The shortest number of days is so different!

Regular Automatic: Minimum period is 12 nights 13 days to 17 nights 18 days
Regular Manual: Minimum period is 14 nights and 15 days to 19 nights and 20 days

On websites that introduce training camps, you will often see information such as ◯days at the earliest. Actually, this minimum number of days varies depending on the driving school and when you enroll. According to the regulations, the shortest schedule is 12 nights and 13 days for an AT driver and 14 nights and 15 days for a MT driver. However, there are very few training camps nationwide that allow students to graduate on this date, and the following schools are famous. If you want to graduate as early as possible, please refer to the schools below.

As mentioned above, training camps located in Tokyo and Hyogo prefectures allow students to graduate 1 to 3 days earlier than other schools. The reason why you can get it faster than other prefectures and schools is because you can take the test and test on the same day. Generally, many driving schools have a graduation schedule of 13 nights and 14 days for AT, and 15 nights and 16 days for MT. Please refer to it if you absolutely must obtain it as soon as possible.
*This curriculum is not set at all training camps in Tokyo and Hyogo Prefecture.

The process from enrollment to license acquisition and the shortest model schedule

5 deadlines

[Schedule example]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 period studies studies Technique
2 period Admission/appropriateness Technique Technique Technique Technique Technique studies Technique
3rd period Technique studies Technique Technique studies Technique studies Technique
4th period studies studies studies studies Technique Technique studies
5th period studies studies Technique Technique Technique studies Technique studies studies studies Technique Final Driving Test
6th period Technique studies studies Driving Test Technique studies Technique Technique studies Technique
7th period studies Technique Technique Technique
8th period Technique Technique Technique studies studies
9th period studies Technique studies
10th period

It is required by law!

According to the law, the number of training hours that can be taken per day is 2 periods (2 periods) for stage 1 on-site training, and 3 periods (3 periods) for stage 2 on-the-road training. Additionally, you may only take the skill test (Driving Test, Final Driving Test) once a day. Academic lessons can be taken for as many hours a day as you like.

Here are the key points! Three things to note!

In order to graduate from Driving Camp in the shortest possible time, you will feel more at ease and satisfied if you know the following three points.

1. Are Driving Test and Final Driving Test conducted every day?

There are driving schools that hold skill tests (completion and certification) every day, and there are driving schools that hold Driving Test on designated days of the week, such as Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for Final Driving Test and Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays for graduation tests. In such cases, if you Driving Test, you may not be able to retake the exam the next day, so you may have to stay at the school for one or two days until the exam date. This is a local rule for each prefecture and each driving school. When researching a training camp school, we recommend checking whether the test is conducted every day or on a designated day of the week. Although it is very rare, some training camps have regular holidays, and there are some schools where there is no training at all on that day.

2. The minimum period is set to be long during spring break and summer vacation!

At many training camps, especially during busy seasons such as spring break and summer vacation, the curriculum is not scheduled for the shortest number of days in order to accommodate as many customers as possible, but instead is scheduled with a margin of 1 to 4 days in addition to the shortest number of days. There are cases where this is the case. In this case, there are days when there is only one hour of Driving Lessons in the first stage, and days when there is only one or two hours of Driving Lessons even after entering the second stage. It is difficult to determine this long setting for each driving school. Generally, in the case of AT, you can graduate in 13 nights and 14 days, and in the case of MT, you can graduate in 15 nights and 16 days, so please understand that the difference is a long setting.

3. Be careful when issuing provisional licenses during the year-end and New Year holidays!

Get your license during winter break! There are some people who think so. If you apply over the year-end and New Year holidays, the timing of issuance of a provisional license is key. The provisional driving Driver's License issued after the written exam is issued at the local police station, so even if the driving school is open, if the police are on year-end and New Year holidays, Driver's License will not be issued until the new year. Issuance will not be accepted. In such cases, you may be sent home temporarily. please note.

Three tips to graduate in the shortest time possible!!

“Is it possible to graduate in the shortest time possible?” is a question many people ask when applying. Although it varies depending on the busy season and the off-season, on average about 20% of students are unable to pass the exam straight and are forced to postpone their stay, resulting in an increase in the number of students graduating. In particular, the following three points are the major causes of failure.

  1. Fail the skill test [10-12%]
  2. Fail the written exam [5-10%]
  3. Not being allowed to attend lessons due to lateness, absence, etc. [3-5%]

Now, I will explain each one in detail.

1.Failure in skill test and stay extended

(1) For regular car licenses, there are two skill tests from enrollment to graduation.

The first test is Driving Test held at Driving School 's on-site course, and the second test is Final Driving Test held on a public road. If anything, the pass rate for Driving Test is often lower than for Final Driving Test, and starting on a hill is the most difficult part for both men and women in the case of manual transmission licenses. Some people are unable to overcome this problem of starting on a hill and switch to an AT license. It is possible to change from MT to AT, so if you are unsure, why not consult us? Additionally, many women, especially women, are not good at lessons that require spatial recognition skills. The S-shape and crank are required items for Driving Test, and the parallel trains and direction changes are required items for Final Driving Test.

(2) Check the video for each item Driving Lessons that you are not good at!

Here, we explain difficult tasks in videos. Please check if you are unsure.

  1. S-shaped course (leftward) (rightward) (
  2. Crank (
  3. Direction change (leftward) (rightward) (
  4. Parallel parking (

2.Failure in Karimenkyo Written Test written exam skills test and stay extended

(1) The shortest way is to solve the problems prepared by the driving school.

The driving school keeps track of the passing rate of the provisional license exam every month. In addition, we can understand the trends in which questions are answered incorrectly compared to the previous month or the month before the previous month, and take time to focus on explaining them in lectures during academic training, or conduct repeated training with practice questions. We aim to improve the pass rate by having students practice in a practical manner.

(2) There is no point in completing practice problems

(3) Repeat and practice problems prepared by the driving school

If you receive a wrong answer on a practice question, be sure to check your textbook to see which part of the question is incorrect. You can't pass by guessing! ! These days, you can download practice questions using free apps, but instead of completing the numbers, practice by repeating the questions provided by the driving school.

3. Extension of stay due to lateness, absence, etc.

(1) 60 hours of training, no lateness allowed! !

In the case of a regular driver's license, you must take about 60 lessons. The driving school schedules all lessons in advance from the day of enrollment to the expected graduation date. If you are even one minute late for this scheduled Driving Lessons or academic training, you will not be allowed to attend that training. In some driving schools, the classrooms are locked and no one can enter. In particular, during continuous training (after academic training → Driving Lessons, Driving Lessons → academic training), students must prepare during the 10-minute break. If you go to the restroom and miss the start of the lesson, you will not be admitted. Also, if you accidentally forget that you have a lesson and end up being absent, your plans for the rest of the day may be disrupted. Please be sure to arrive 3 minutes early and never be late.

(2) 2 weeks long stay, take good care of your health

Particularly at training camps, where we live in groups, if a person develops a cold or the flu, there are cases where a group of people complain of feeling unwell. Many driving schools have prepared in advance by washing hands, gargling, wearing masks, and even disinfecting with alcohol. In particular, if you are planning to attend Driving Camp during spring break when influenza is prevalent, we strongly recommend that you get a flu vaccination before enrolling. If you contract a highly contagious illness such as influenza, your driving school may ask you to return home temporarily. Also, since you will be staying for a long period of two weeks, please bring any medicines you are accustomed to taking. If you also bring your health insurance card, you can visit a doctor near the driving school.

What to do if your graduation date gets delayed!

If you have plans for a few days after your scheduled graduation date, or if you cannot change your schedule, please follow the steps below to cancel your training camp.

1. Temporary return home

You can interrupt your lessons, go home temporarily, and resume your lessons after completing your errands. Please consult with the driving school in advance. Especially when planning graduation ceremonies, etc., it is a good idea to get permission from the driving school in advance. Please note that the training course is valid for 9 months. You must complete the entire course of Driving Lessons and academic training within nine months from the start of training.

2. Transfer to a local driving school

If it is difficult to make plans after that and it is difficult to restart at a training camp, it is possible to transfer to a local driving school. However, in this case, you will have to go through the re-admission procedure at the school you are transferring to, so the cost is often higher. Also, if you are not familiar with the training environment, you may feel anxious about operating the training vehicle and the course you will be traveling on.


What did you think? It is not difficult to obtain Driving Camp in the shortest possible time. However, for those of you who have busy schedules such as long vacations, I hope that reading this article will give you some peace of mind. I also hope that your Driving Camp will become a wonderful memory.

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ZIPLUS Editorial Department Driver's License Concierge

Driving Camp

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