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Driver's License column

It has a lot of useful information about driving licenses and Driving Camp.

Driver's license

What is the maximum load capacity that can be driven with a regular license? An overview of the semi-medium license is also explained.

Some people may be planning to transport a large amount of luggage for a move or an event, and would like to know how many tons of vehicles they can carry with a regular license. The maximum load a car can carry depends on when you obtained your regular license.

Therefore, in this article, we will explain the maximum load capacity of a car that you can drive depending on when you obtained your regular driver's license. We will also explain how to increase the maximum load capacity of your vehicle, so please refer to it.

What is the partial amendment of the Road Traffic Act regarding the maximum load capacity of a regular driver's license?

The revised Road Traffic Act came into effect from March 12, 2017. In the law revision, new types of vehicles were created with the aim of reducing traffic fatalities caused by freight vehicles and promoting employment of young people. The types of cars you can drive with a regular license vary depending on whether you obtained it before or after the law was revised.

Semi-medium vehicle and semi-medium vehicle licenses were established.

The law was revised to create a new category of "semi-medium-sized vehicle" with a gross vehicle weight of 3.5 tons or more and less than 7.5 tons, and a maximum payload of 2.0 tons or more and less than 4.5 tons. A semi-medium-sized car is positioned between an ordinary car and a medium-sized car. In response to this, a new "semi-medium vehicle license" was established as a driver's license for semi-medium vehicles.

Type of car Ordinary car semi-medium car medium size car
Type of license Ordinary license Semi-medium license Medium license
Vehicle total weight Less than 3.5 tons 3.5 tons or more but less than 7.5 tons 7.5 tons or more but less than 11 tons
Maximum loading capacity Less than 2.0 tons 2.0 tons or more but less than 4.5 tons 4.5 tons or more but less than 6.5 tons

Previously, if you had a regular driver's license, you could drive a semi-medium-sized vehicle. However, with the new establishment of semi-medium-sized cars and semi-medium-sized licenses, the total vehicle weight and maximum loading capacity of cars that can be driven have changed.

Therefore, if you obtain a regular license after March 12, 2017, you can only drive a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of less than 3.5 tons and a maximum payload of less than 2.0 tons.

The license before the revision is a 5t limited semi-medium vehicle license.

A regular license obtained between June 2, 2007 and March 11, 2017 allows you to drive a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of less than 5 tons and a maximum payload of less than 3 tons. After the law is revised, you will be considered to have a ``5-ton semi-medium vehicle license,'' and the range of vehicles you can drive will be carried over.

Total vehicle weight and maximum load capacity that can be driven with a regular license

If you obtained a regular driver's license before the law was revised, you can drive a regular car and a semi-medium-sized car weighing less than 5 tons. The gross vehicle weight and maximum loading capacity of vehicles that can be driven are as follows.

License classification Ordinary license 5 ton limited semi-medium license
Vehicle total weight Less than 3.5 tons Less than 5 tons
Maximum loading capacity Less than 2 tons Less than 3 tons

*Reference: Regarding semi-medium-sized licenses and the types of vehicles that can be driven (Saitama Prefectural Police)

The revised law will substantially increase the number of types of driver's licenses, but there will be no need to go through the process of switching driver's Driver's License. When renewing your driver's Driver's License after March 12, 2017, your driver's license will state that ``semi-medium vehicles that can be driven are limited to semi-medium vehicles (5 tons).''

How to increase the maximum load capacity of the vehicle you can drive

If you have a regular license and a 5-ton semi-medium license, you cannot drive a vehicle with a maximum payload of 3 tons or more. In order to increase the maximum loading capacity, there are ways to remove the restrictions on a semi-medium vehicle license or to obtain a new medium vehicle license.

Lifting restrictions on semi-medium vehicle licenses

Lifting the restriction on a semi-medium license is a method to upgrade a semi-medium license with a 5 ton limitation to a regular semi-medium license. Once you obtain a semi-medium vehicle license, you will be able to drive a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of 3.5 tons or more but less than 11 tons, a maximum payload of 2 tons or more and less than 4.5 tons, and a passenger capacity of 10 people or less.

There are two ways to remove the restriction: pass the restriction removal examination, or take lessons at a designated driving school and pass the skill examination. At a designated driving school, 4 or 8 hours of Driving Lessons is required.

Type of license held Specified number of time limits for Driving Lessons
5 ton limited semi-medium license 4th period
AT5 ton limited semi-medium license 8th period

Since AT-limited licenses also have AT-limited licenses lifted at the same time, many time limits for Driving Lessons are stipulated. After passing the restriction release examination or skill examination, you will need to go through the procedures for issuing a new driver's license at the driver's license center.

Obtain a medium-sized license

Another way to increase the maximum load capacity of a car you can drive is to obtain a new medium-duty license. If you obtain a medium-duty license, you will be able to drive a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of 7.5 tons or more but less than 11 tons, a maximum payload of 4.5 tons or more and less than 6.5 tons, and a passenger capacity of 29 people or less.

Typical vehicles that can be driven with a medium-sized license include minibuses, garbage trucks, and fire trucks. As the number of cars that can be driven increases, there will be more opportunities for drivers to work in the construction and food industries, in addition to the transportation industry. However, if you wish to carry passengers, you will need a Class 2 license.

Obtain a large vehicle license

If you want to maximize the carrying capacity, or if you expect to drive large vehicles such as in the transportation or construction industry, obtaining a large vehicle license is one way to do so. If you obtain a large vehicle license, you will be able to drive a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of 1 ton or more, a maximum payload of 6.5 ton or more, and a passenger capacity of 30 or more people.

Typical vehicles that can be driven with a large license include dump trucks, buses, and tank trucks. For those currently working as drivers, obtaining a heavy-duty license will allow them to drive more cars, which may lead to higher wages.

Additionally, there is a serious shortage of drivers in the transportation industry, so you may be able to find a new job with better conditions. On the other hand, large-sized licenses are more expensive to obtain than semi-medium-sized licenses and medium-sized licenses.

If you are getting a new license, we recommend Driving Camp

There are two common ways to obtain a new driver's license: attending a driving school or Driving Camp. If you are concerned about speed in obtaining the license, we recommend Driving Camp you can receive intensive training in a short period of time.

Can be obtained in a relatively short period of time

With Driving Camp, you can graduate in a shorter period of time than with commuting. For example, if you have a regular driver's license, it is common for it to take more than 10 days to graduate from school. On the other hand, with Driving Camp, you can aim to graduate in as little as eight days.

Also, if you are commuting to school, you may not always be able to make a reservation for your desired date and time. Driving Camp has a timetable so that you can graduate within the period, so you can receive training efficiently. The training period varies depending on the driving school that supports Driving Camp, so be sure to check in advance.

You can keep costs down

The cost of obtaining Driving Camp tends to be cheaper than commuting to school. In the case of Driving Camp, the acquisition cost generally includes accommodation and food expenses in addition to the training fee. Depending on the driving school, there are cases where the cost is cheaper than commuting, even including lodging and food costs.

The cost to obtain a medium-sized license is approximately 140,000 yen Driving Camp and 170,000 yen for a commuting license. Some driving schools offer Self Cook at reasonable rates.

Enjoy the feeling of traveling

There are driving schools all over the country that accept Driving Camp. There are many places where you can enjoy local gourmet food and sightseeing, and you can enjoy the feeling of traveling while taking lessons. Some driving schools offer free sightseeing tours as a perk for participants. For those who want to enjoy traveling while taking lessons, Driving Camp is recommended.

Do-Live is a portal site that allows you to search for driving schools nationwide using various conditions. When you apply through Do-Live, you will receive many benefits such as car rental discounts and theme park discounts.

Find a driving school that suits you on Do-Live, as you can search by special conditions such as near tourist spots or recommended for women.

If the maximum load capacity is insufficient, try removing the restrictions or obtaining a medium or large vehicle license.

Your current driver's license limits the range of vehicles you can drive, and you may not be able to transport much luggage. If the maximum loading capacity is insufficient, consider lifting the restrictions on your semi-medium vehicle license or obtaining a medium or large vehicle license.

Obtaining a medium-duty license or a heavy-duty license has benefits such as expanding the range of work you can do as a driver and giving you an advantage when changing jobs. If you are concerned about the acquisition cost, please use the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's education and training benefit system. If you can take advantage of this system, a portion of the acquisition cost will be paid, so you can keep costs down.

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Driver's license

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