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Driving Camp

What are the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining a driver's license at a training camp? Comparison with commuting

Are you wondering whether you should get your driver's license at a training camp? In order to obtain a driver's license, in addition to commuting to school, there is also a training camp where you stay at a lodging facility. If you are unsure whether to go to school or go to a training camp, be sure to know the advantages and disadvantages of each before making your choice.

In this article, we will introduce the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining a driver's license at a training camp, as well as tips and cautions for keeping costs low. By referring to this article, you will be able to decide whether you should use a training camp. Please watch till the end.

What is a driver's license training camp?

Obtaining a driver's license through a training camp is called a license training camp. Rather than commuting to school to receive lessons, students receive short-term intensive training while staying at a lodging facility.

A unique feature of license training camps is that you aim to obtain your license at a remote location, rather than at a location near your residence or at a driving school. If you go to a driving school, it may be difficult to get reservations for Driving Lessons, especially during busy seasons, and you may not be able to schedule your training as you wish.

There is a possibility that it will take longer to obtain your license than expected, but the schedule for the license training camp is determined in advance, so if you work properly, you can obtain your license within the originally planned period. In the next chapter, we will take a look at the benefits of getting your driver's license at a training camp.

Benefits of getting your driver's license at a training camp

Obtaining your driver's license at a training camp has the following advantages:

  • You can get your license in a short time
  • low cost
  • Meals may be prepared for you
  • Enjoy the feeling of sightseeing and traveling
  • have an encounter with someone

Learn about the benefits of license training camps and consider whether you should use them.

You can get your license in a short time

The advantage of getting your driver's license at a training camp is that you can graduate in a shorter period of time than if you were to go to school. Generally, commuting to school often takes about 1 to 3 months, but if you go to a training camp and have an AT-only license, you can graduate in as little as 2 weeks.

Additionally, the training schedule is predetermined, which saves you the trouble of making reservations and managing schedules. For those who want to get their license as soon as possible, going to a training camp is better than going to school.

low cost

Another advantage of getting your driver's license at a training camp is that it is cheaper than commuting to school. If you compare the costs of training camp and commuting, there is a total difference of about 50,000 to 100,000 yen.

Additionally, the cost of overnight training camps usually includes lodging and meals. Additionally, depending on the driving school, you may be able to pay for transportation from your home. License training camps are also a recommended option for people who want to keep costs as low as possible.

Meals may be prepared for you

If meals are included in the license training camp fee, there is no need to worry about meals. Some driving schools make meal content a selling point, so we recommend choosing a training camp based on ``meals.'' For example:

  • High quality food with a full-time chef on staff
  • Choose meals from partner restaurants
  • Using plenty of local ingredients
  • Japanese, Western, and Chinese daily menus available
  • Cake buffet once a week, etc.

There are also plans where every meal is served in buffet style, or where you can eat at a restaurant near the affiliated driving school at no additional cost.

If you have a license training camp plan 3 Meals Provided, you will not have to pay for meals during the training camp. Some plans include one or two meals, such as just dinner, so if the plan says "meal included," be sure to check how many meals are provided.

Enjoy the feeling of sightseeing and traveling

If you choose an area with many tourist areas nearby, you will have the advantage of being able to enjoy sightseeing and traveling. During the training camp, you can enjoy local gourmet food, visit tourist spots, and create fun memories.

Some driving schools have plans that include activities such as sightseeing, canoeing, skiing, and bicycle rental. If you want to have fun getting your driver's license while enjoying the feeling of traveling, consider a driver's license training camp in the area you want to visit on your trip.

have an encounter with someone

At the license training camp, you often interact with other participants in the dormitory. If you live in a shared or twin room, you may end up spending all your free time with the same person.

By working together from enrollment to graduation, participants develop a sense of camaraderie because they share the same goal of obtaining a driver's license, and naturally become friends with the participants. Also, having friends who can work hard together when you get stuck in your lessons will be reassuring and will reduce the risk of giving up along the way.

When commuting to school, students set their own schedules and do not spend long periods of time together with other people. License training camps are also recommended for people looking to meet new people.

Disadvantages of getting a driver's license at a training camp

License training camps have not only advantages, but also some disadvantages.

  • I need to take some time off
  • I can't take lessons at my own pace
  • Stress for people who are not good at communicating
  • You may not be used to driving on roads in urban areas.

Let's look at each in turn.

I need to take some time off

License training camps are short-term, intensive lessons that follow a set schedule, so you cannot participate unless you take a certain amount of time off. Even if you have an AT-only license, you will need to take at least two weeks off.

If you are a student, it is easy to take a long vacation during the summer or winter, but if you are a working professional, it may be difficult to secure a vacation of more than two weeks. On the other hand, working adults often choose to commute to school because they can take lessons at their own convenience.

I can't take lessons at my own pace

At the license training camp, you can't take lessons as you like. A schedule has been set up to complete the training in a short period of time, and students will aim to obtain their license by following that schedule.

If you commute to school, you have a lot of freedom as you can decide when and which lessons to take. Some training camps have a temporary return plan so that you can go home during the year-end and New Year holidays or graduation ceremonies, but the cost is usually higher than the plan.

Stress for people who are not good at communicating

People who are not good at communication may find license training camp difficult. At the license training camp, you will get to get your license while interacting with new people in an unfamiliar place and living together.

Therefore, people who are shy about people or places may feel stressed while participating in the training camp. If you are not good at communicating, we recommend choosing a single room rather than a shared room.

You may not be used to driving on roads in urban areas.

Training camps are often located in remote areas rather than in urban areas. Road conditions differ between rural and urban areas, so people who primarily drive in urban areas need to be especially careful.

During the license training camp, on-road training is often conducted on wide roads with little traffic, and there are not many opportunities for training on narrow or congested roads like in urban areas. If you drive in a city after getting your license, it may take some time to get used to the narrow roads and heavy traffic.

Compare the cost and duration to attending classes

The cost and period of obtaining a license at a license training camp and attending school are different. Let's take a closer look at the differences in cost and time.

Comparison of costs between commuting to school and training camp

There is a difference in costs between 50,000 and 100,000 yen between commuting to school and training camp, as shown below.

kinds Estimated cost
Commuting to school 200,000 to 300,000 yen
training camp 180,000 to 250,000 yen

The cost varies depending on the driving school, but training camps are cheaper. In both cases, if you obtain an AT license instead of a MT license, you can save around 10,000 yen.

Guaranteed at training camp

There is no additional fee for the license training camp if you fail the test or skill test and receive additional training. If you attend school, there is no guarantee that you will complete your studies and you will have to pay for additional lessons. From a guarantee standpoint, licensing training camps are also more advantageous.

Comparison of period between commuting to school and training camp

There is a significant difference in the period of commuting to school and training camp as shown below.

kinds Estimated period
Commuting to school Approximately 3 to 6 months
training camp About 2-3 weeks

When obtaining a driver's license, whether attending school or training camp, you must complete 26 hours of academic training, 34 hours or more of MT, and 31 or more hours of AT for skill training.

Both require the same time periods, but in the case of commuting, students need to make reservations and take lessons, and if it is difficult to adjust their schedules, they may be away for weeks until the next lesson. Adjusting your schedule can be especially difficult if you are busy with school or part-time work, or during busy periods such as spring break.

In the case of a training camp, there is no need to make a reservation as there will be a schedule to get your license as soon as possible. License training camps are perfect for people who want to get their license efficiently and smoothly.

Tips for saving money on driving license training camps

Although license training camps are cheaper, 180,000 to 250,000 yen is not an easy amount to spend. In this chapter, we will introduce tips for saving money on license training camps.

  • Avoid the busy seasons of spring break and summer vacation
  • Take advantage of the campaign
  • Accommodations do not require a single room

Avoid the busy seasons of spring break and summer vacation

By avoiding the driving school's busy season, you can reduce the cost of obtaining your license. The long vacation period, when students tend to attend, is the busiest season and prices are higher.

Save money on license training camps by avoiding times like spring break or summer vacation.

Take advantage of the campaign

Depending on the driving school or plan, there are campaigns that can be used at great deals. You can keep costs down by applying early bird discounts, internet discounts, group discounts, etc.

Additionally, some driving schools and plans offer hot spring bathing tickets and meal tickets as special benefits. Please contact the driving school of your choice for information on campaigns and benefits.

Accommodations do not require a single room

If you have a choice of room type, you can save money by avoiding a single room. This is because rooms for large groups are cheaper. Also, if you have a choice of lodging facilities, it is cheaper to choose on-campus accommodation, which is a facility exclusively used for license training camps, than hotels or inns.

If you don't mind having a large group of people or don't mind staying anywhere for a short period of time, you can save money by choosing a shared room or on-campus dormitory.

Points to note about license training camps

Finally, I would like to introduce some points to be aware of at the license training camp.

  • If additional training is required, accommodation fees may be added.
  • Book early during busy seasons
  • Plans and warranty details vary depending on the driving school.

If additional training is required, accommodation fees may be added.

It is important to check in advance what the cost of accommodation will be in case additional training is required. This is because even if there is no additional cost for the training, there may be an additional charge for staying overnight.

Approximately 10% of people need to stay overnight at license training camp. Although the probability is low, it is a good idea to consider the possibility that unavoidable circumstances such as poor health may occur, and check whether there will be additional charges just in case. The cost of an extended stay varies depending on the location, but is around 2,000 to 4,000 yen per day.

Book early during busy seasons

If you would like to use a license training camp during busy seasons such as spring break or summer vacation, please make your reservation as early as possible. During the busy season, it may be difficult to make reservations, and you may end up on a waiting list due to overcapacity.

If you are looking for a license training camp during the busy season, it is best to make reservations several months in advance. Please note that even if you are 17 years old, you can participate in the license training camp, but only those 18 years or older can take the provisional license exam. It takes about a week to take the provisional license exam, so if you are 17 years old, many driving schools allow you to make reservations one week before you turn 18.

Plans and warranty details vary depending on the driving school.

It is also important to check in advance whether the plan you want to use and the warranty you want are available. This is because accommodation plans and guarantee details vary depending on the driving school.

If you want to keep costs as low as possible, we recommend Self Cook you prepare your own meals or a guarantee that there will be no additional fees until you graduate. If you want a bit of luxury, consider a plan that lets you stay in a hotel.

There are many benefits to driving school training camps, not just in terms of cost and duration.

Obtaining a driver's license at a training camp is likely to be shorter and cheaper than commuting to school. Also, if you choose a driving school far away, you have the advantage of being able to feel like you are traveling.

However, you will not be able to participate unless you take a sufficient amount of time off. Another disadvantage is that the schedule is set and you cannot take lessons at your own pace.

In order to reduce the cost of the license training camp, we recommend going during the off-season from April to June or after September. If there are discount campaigns or special offers, you can save money by taking advantage of them. Would you like to get your license efficiently and smoothly at the license training camp?

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