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Driver's license

Zero worries now! A thorough explanation of the process of applying to a driving school!!!

Even if you want to get your driver's license, there may be many people who don't know what they need to do to enroll in a driving school. Driving schools have a somewhat rigid image, and the procedures seem to be troublesome. However, in reality, applying to a driving school is not that difficult if you follow the steps. Here, we would like to explain the points that people tend to be worried about, such as what to do during the admission procedure, what you need to bring, and tuition fees. Follow the steps and precautions introduced here and proceed with your application with confidence!

1. Enrollment process - Commuting to school

Image of commuting to school

Flow of submission

Make a temporary reservation and it will be smooth!

If you are commuting to school, you can go directly to the driving school and complete the enrollment procedures without making a reservation. However, if you make a tentative reservation by phone or using a web form, the process at the counter will be smoother.

For telephone

Ask if your desired date is available. If the space is available, you will be asked for your name, etc., and your tentative reservation will be completed.

(Example) Red: Applicant Blue: Driving school
“I would like to take Regular Automatic, but will I be able to complete the entrance procedures on ○ day?”
"Yes, it's possible. Could you tell me your name and phone number?"
“This is ****.The phone number is 090-…”
"Thank you. On the day of the procedure, please bring your resident card, seal, etc. Do you have any questions?"
"there is no."
"Then I'll be waiting for you on the ○th day."
"thank you."

For web forms

Open the enrollment application form from the driving school's homepage, enter your desired license, desired date for enrollment procedures, personal information, etc., and submit. After that, you will receive a phone call or email from the driving school and a date for the procedure will be decided.

Check the admission hours!

The procedure can be done every day on business days, but it takes about 30 minutes to an hour, so many driving schools close 1 to 2 hours earlier than business hours. This varies depending on the driving school, so be sure to check when making a provisional reservation.

This is what you need for the school admission procedure!

◆Driver's Driver's License
Only for those who have it.

◆Residence card
A document with a registered domicile and no My Number (issued within 6 months).

◆Identification documents (for those who do not have a license)
Health insurance card, basic resident register card, or passport.
*Foreign nationals also need a residence card.

◆Student ID (students only)

◆Glasses/contact lenses
There will be a vision test, so please be sure to bring it with you if you need it.
*Colored contacts or glasses with colored lenses are not allowed.


◆Photos (photos can also be taken at the driving school)
Photographs taken within the last 6 months. It is 3cm long and 2.4cm wide, with no hat and no background.
*Photos required for training. Your Driver's License photo will be taken at the driver's license exam center at a later date.

◆Training fee
If you would like to pay directly in cash, please bring it with you.

What are the admission procedures?

Fill in application form

Fill in your desired license, desired date of enrollment, and personal information.


We will explain how to receive academic training and Driving Lessons and create schedules.

Vision test

Must be 0.3 in each eye and 0.7 in both eyes. If you have poor eyesight, don't forget your glasses or contact lenses.

Photography (charged)

Take photos necessary for the lesson. You may bring your own.


1: Lump sum of cash
Please bring the full tuition fee to the driving school and pay it on the day of enrollment.

2: Cash split
The entrance fee, aptitude test fee, and academic training fee will be paid on the day of enrollment, and the remaining Driving Lessons fee and test fee will be paid each time you make a reservation. The total payment amount is the same as a lump sum payment.

3: Bank transfer
The full amount will be transferred to the account specified by the driving school.

4. Loan
We will also process loans during the enrollment process. Depending on the driving school, you can choose between 3 and 60 sessions. However, the more lessons you take, the higher the interest rate, so you will have to pay more than the original lesson fee. Also, it does not necessarily pass the inspection.

5: Credit card
Depending on the type of card, it depends on whether it can be paid in bulk or divided. It is possible to use a card belonging to someone other than the cardholder, but in that case the cardholder must be accompanied during the procedure.

☆You can even complete the enrollment procedure and enrollment on the same day!

I think there are many people who find it troublesome to go through the trouble of going through the formalities and enrolling on different days. If you go to the driving school about 30 minutes to 1 hour before the scheduled entrance time on the scheduled entrance day, you can complete the formalities and enroll on the same day.
*Some driving schools have a different day.

Flow from admission

I completed my application and was able to enter the school without any problems! Now, there are two things you need to do before taking regular lessons.

Appropriate inspection

This test analyzes your judgment and flexibility and confirms points to be careful about when driving. Please answer honestly, as even if your results are bad, you will not be unable to enter the school.

Preceding Department (Department 1)

This is the subject that you must take first. Learn how to drive.

Once you have completed these two steps, you will be able to take the subject or Driving Lessons of your choice.


Q: Are minors accompanied by their parents?
A: If you have a written consent form from your guardian, you can apply by yourself. However, you can take the provisional license exam from your 18th birthday, and you will not be able to enter the school until 2 months before your birthday.

2. Enrollment process: Training camp

Image of training camp

Flow of submission

How do I apply?

First, look at the driving school's homepage and decide on your desired enrollment date (check the enrollment schedule) and room type. We recommend that you list at least three possible dates. This is because training camps have a limited number of participants, so you may not necessarily be able to enroll on your desired date. Once you have decided on your enrollment date and room type, apply by phone or via the web form.

For telephone

(Example) Red: Applicant Blue: Driving school
“Yes, ○○ driving school.”
“I would like to take Regular Automatic class, but can I enter the school in a shared room on month and day?”
"Let me check. Do you currently have any license?"
"Excuse me. Please wait a moment."
—–Hold, check availability—–
"Sorry to have kept you waiting. We have a shared room available on month and day. Would you like to proceed with the application process?"
“First of all, please tell me your name.”
(You will also be asked for your date of birth, address, phone number, emergency contact information, etc.)
“Then we will send the application form and other documents to the address you mentioned earlier.Would you like to pay by bank transfer or by loan?”
“Please pay by bank transfer.”
“Then, the document we will send you will have a bank transfer address written on it, so please transfer △△ yen.”
"got it."
“Do you have any questions?”
"there is no."
"Thank you for your application. Please excuse me."

For web forms

Open the web form from the driving school's homepage, fill in the required information (license you wish to obtain, desired date of enrollment, personal information, etc.) and submit. After confirming availability, you will be contacted by the driving school to proceed with your application.

Receipt of admission-related documents and return of admission application form

The driving school will send you an application form, guidebook, etc. by mail. Please read all documents. After filling out the application form, return it to the driving school by fax or mail.

Payment of training camp fee

You can choose from bank transfer, loan or credit card.

Bank transfer

Please transfer the amount to the account specified by the driving school.


Depending on the driving school, you can choose between 3 and 60 sessions. However, the more lessons you take, the higher the interest rate, so you will have to pay more than the original lesson fee. Also, it does not necessarily pass the inspection.

credit card

Depending on the type of card, it depends on whether it can be paid in bulk or divided.

Entering school! Let's have a fun training camp!

First, just like attending school, you will take an aptitude test and preparatory subjects. After that, the lessons will proceed according to the schedule set by the driving school.
I'm sure you're a little nervous about living in an unfamiliar place for two weeks, but I hope you enjoy it to the fullest!


Q: What if I apply with a friend?
A: First, the representative will communicate with the driving school and complete the procedures for the applicant. At that time, please tell us the name of the friend you are going with. After that, each friend will contact the driving school directly and complete the procedures individually.
Many driving schools offer group discounts for applications of 2 or more people, so be sure to check this when applying.

3. To make the tuition fees as cheap as possible...

Image of price

1. Training camp is more advantageous!

During the off-season months (April to July and September to January), when it's not so crowded, the price for a training camp is about 100,000 yen cheaper than for commuting. Also, the price includes accommodation, transportation, and meals, so it's a great deal.

2. Pay attention to the campaign!

Many driving schools have campaigns during the off-season. The prices vary depending on the driving school, such as offering cash back on fees or having a single plan for a training camp at the same price as a shared room plan, so be sure to compare before applying.

3.Use co-ops and agents!

Co-ops and agents that introduce driving schools have their own discounts and benefits, and you may be able to get a better deal than the driving school. Instead of applying directly to a driving school, you can also use an intermediary.

4. Cancellation after application

There may be times when you have applied but would like to cancel due to various reasons. Cancellation fees will be charged from the time the reservation is completed, even if the transfer has not been completed.

(Example) Cancellation fee for a certain driving school

From the time of reservation completion until 4 days before the planned enrollment date: 20,000 yen (tax incl.)
From 3 days to 1 day before the planned enrollment date: 30,000 yen (tax incl.)
On the day of enrollment: 50,000 yen (tax incl.)

Just like when traveling, cancellation fees often increase as the date gets closer. Cancellation fees vary depending on the driving school, so please check the terms and conditions. Please contact us as soon as you know that you will not be able to go. By the way, there is no cancellation fee if you only change the schedule. Changes can be made if space is available.

5. Summary

I hope your impression of ``application seems difficult'' has changed. Applying to a driving school is simpler than you think. If you have read this far, you should be able to apply now! Please proceed with confidence!

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Driver's license

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